We have left an option for entering in the complete code yourself, in case someone wants to enter code other than Google, or they want to customize the code.
The above code is what we build when just the Analytics ID is used. When your Google Analytics account is set up properly you can now see lots of data including Acquisition data and E-Commerce data. Below are some screenshots from one of our users who has his account set up to use this feature.
To enable e-commerce tracking, follow these steps (source: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009612):
You need to enable Ecommerce reporting in the view in which you want to see the data.
Sign in to your Analytics account.
Navigate to the desired account, property and view.
In the VIEW column, select Ecommerce Settings.
Click the Enable Ecommerce toggle ON.
Optional: Click the Enable Related Products toggle ON.
Click Next step.
Click Submit.
Also, we continue to support the older style of Google Analytics. If the tracking code you paste into the field for this in the Reservation Page settings contains "analytics.js" then we switch to the new method. Otherwise we use "ga.js" which is the old style.