We've been busy adding a few new features to the user forum. You've probably already noticed the new, more prominent, link in the system header, but here are a few more features you might not have seen.
It is now possible to search all conversations.

A powerful feature, is that we now have hash tags to help sort conversations. Just click on a tag to run a search for all messages marked with the same tag. For example, to see all messages that have been tagged as a new feature request just click #newfeature . When creating a new conversation, we give the option to easily click whichever tag applies to your message. You also can add your own tags by just writing them in the text of the message, such as #announcement for example. We plan to build one additional feature, where you can follow tags, which will create convenient links to these tags next to the Forum search box.

Email Notification Link
We send a notification email to the original poster whenever a new response is posted. To view the response, and respond, just click the link in the notification email. Logging into ReservationKey is not necessary. And also, this viewer formats nicely for mobile devices.

Larger Font
We've increased the font size and changed the font face of messages in order to improve readability.
It is now possible to search all conversations.
A powerful feature, is that we now have hash tags to help sort conversations. Just click on a tag to run a search for all messages marked with the same tag. For example, to see all messages that have been tagged as a new feature request just click #newfeature . When creating a new conversation, we give the option to easily click whichever tag applies to your message. You also can add your own tags by just writing them in the text of the message, such as #announcement for example. We plan to build one additional feature, where you can follow tags, which will create convenient links to these tags next to the Forum search box.
Email Notification Link
We send a notification email to the original poster whenever a new response is posted. To view the response, and respond, just click the link in the notification email. Logging into ReservationKey is not necessary. And also, this viewer formats nicely for mobile devices.
Larger Font
We've increased the font size and changed the font face of messages in order to improve readability.
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